Workshops, markets, galleries, .... in Antananarivo

Andravoahangy market

Address :

Andravoahangy district - Antananarivo

30 minutes on foot - around 2 € by taxi

Days and Hours of Operation:

Every day of the week, except Sunday, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


The Andravoahangy market is undoubtedly the most authentic historic market in the Malagasy capital Antananarivo.

This market, slightly outside the city center, a veritable labyrinth, is an open-air market, made up of a mosaic of hard and covered stalls, and rustic wooden stalls.

The duality of constructions responds to the duality of the activities of this market: the craft industry and the sale of necessary first products.

Located 3 km from the Niaouly hotel, this market is a lively market, with many Malagasy people going there to do their daily shopping. You will have the opportunity to share for a moment the daily newspaper of Malagasy housewives.

Even if this market is still today victim of its bad reputation of the 1990s, due to pickspockets, even if the taxi drivers continue to discourage tourists from going there, preferring to take them to the market of La Digue, the race being more expensive, ... this market is one of my favorites.

At its southern periphery, you meet stalls of Asian products, then entering the depths of this market, you will successively fall on the aisle of embroiderers, then the dealers of precious stones and precious stones, metal objects recycled, stands for marquetry, carved wood, basketwork, silver jewelry, leather goods, etc.

Some craftsmen continue to work on site: eyewear, jewelers, embroiderers, ...

In the center of this market, a permanent building bearing the aftermath of time contains small colorful shops.



      At the northern end, it is the traditional market, with poultry, spices, medicinal plants, dried fish, vegetables and fruits from the various provinces of Madagascar ... a rainbow of color!

      Take the time to discover the medicinal plants of Madagascar ... if the virtues of most are undisputed like Artemisia, Katrafay, ... others on the other hand have virtues ... more unusual: "back from the loved one ”,“ invulnerability / bullet protection ”.

      Consider buying a small product to thank the seller for his explanations!



        "La Digue" market

        Address :

        On the road to Ivato airport, Anosivita Boina district

        Days and Hours of Operation:

        Every day of the week from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

        La Digue market is a market devoted to Malagasy handicrafts, located on one of the leased roads at Ivato International Airport.

        it was created in the 2010s to face the pressure of artisans and resellers wishing to settle, but who did not find a place in the historic markets of Antananarivo.

        The wooden stands in a row are spread over each unpaved paved road over several hundred meters,

        Although less atypical than the Andravoahangy market, this market has the advantage of being very easy to visit due to its configuration and the low attendance,

        You will find many articles in raffia, leather, wood, recycled material, ....

        Be careful because some stands contain very original articles that you cannot find elsewhere.


            The Coum market at 67 hectares

            Address :

            On the road to Ivato airport, Anosivita Boina district

            Days and Hours of Operation:

            Every day of the week from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

            The Coum market, also called by the Madagascans and residents, the 67 hectare market is located in the northeast of the city, about 5 km from the Niaouly hotel.

            It is essentially a Malagasy craft market which brings together very many artisans on Thursday and Friday from the peripheral villages in the broad sense of the Malagasy capital, but also many wholesalers in the provinces.

            If in the southern part of the Coum market which is open to the sky, wooden furniture, mattresses are exposed, on the other hand, in the northern part, various articles are exposed: raffia bag, statues, aluminum utensils , ...

            If the products are presented in quantity, on the other hand, the choice is less varied than on the other markets of the capital.



                The Anosy flower market

                Address :

                Near Lake Anosy, on the road leading to the HJRA hospital

                Days and Hours of Operation:

                Every day of the week from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

                Located near Lake Anosy, known for its jacaranda trees and its ministries, the Antananarivo flower market is a must in the Madagascan capital for anyone looking for plants from the 4 corners of the Big Island.

                A succession of small wooden pavilions, the Anosy flower market will allow you to discover the wide variety of plants and flowers, from palm trees to pachypodium, not to mention orchids…. from Madagascar.

                Do not miss the famous "deer horn", an atypical plant which, according to belief, warns you of the presence of a thief, whose Malagasy name is "ranalahy".

                    The village of model ships

                    Address :

                    Lot 36F - Ambohibao district

                    Arriving in the Ambohibao district, you will easily find the model workshop, with many signs directing you to the route.

                    Days and Hours of Operation:

                    The workshop and showroom are open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

                    Only the showroom is open on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

                    Contact :

                    Phone: 020 22 451 97 / 034 07 129 50

                    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                    Website : Le Village


                    Magic! ... this is the word that will come to mind when you discover in Antananarivo, in the district of Ivato, the "village of ship models"
                    Long copied, but never equaled, the "village" is today the world reference in terms of boat reproduction.
                    Lovers of wooden boat models, Hervé Scrive and his wife created the workshop "Le village" in 1992.
                    After more than 20 years at the head of this shipyard for models, the latter sold their business to lovers like them of the sea and sailing, but also concerned with preserving the social soul of the project.
                    The workshop "the Village" manufacture, in addition to Penduick, L'Hermione, La granvillaise, Sao Mai, La Boussole and L'Astrolabe de La PEROUSE under license: Historical models, tall ships, Fishing boats and all special orders on plans Museums, yards and shipowners.

                      In ebony and rosewood, the models are all numbered and made by hand.
                      Wishing to share their passion, the "village" team opens not only the doors of their showroom, but also their workshop.
                      This is how you will have the opportunity to visit the different parts of this site on a human scale:
                      • sculptors
                      • wood turners
                      • markers
                      • cabinetmakers, painters
                      • copper welders
                      • embroiderers etc…
                      , the Show room of more than 100m2, meanwhile, will allow you to discover through models, the world history of the navy.
                      Eager to extend their know-how, the "village" team also designs world maps and other marquetry cards.

                        The Izaho leather workshop

                        Address :

                        Lot VE50 - Ambatovinaky district - Antananarivo

                        The Izaho leather workshop is located right next to the Niaouly hotel.

                        Days and Hours of Operation:

                        The workshop is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

                        Contact :

                        M. Eric: 034 55 892 28

                        This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                        Website : L’atelier Izaho


                        The IZAHO workshop has a double vocation: to develop an artisanal leather goods from zebu leather, according to the rules of the art of "haute maroquinerie" (saddlery point, hand slice, ...) and allow people with deficiencies in terms of hearing to be able to find self-employment.

                        In order to make this project viable, the IZAHO workshop set out to develop a range of original, customizable products ... entirely handmade by its teams.

                        A visit to the workshop will not only allow you to discover the different stages of working with leather, from cutting to assembly.

                        You will have the opportunity to discover the whole authentic universe of Malagasy handcrafted leather goods.

                            The tin soldiers' factory

                            Address :

                            98 ter path of the thorns of Jesus Christ - Talatamaty district
                            To find the workshop, simply cross the Schoprite Talatamaty car park, then turn left, then take the 1st path on the right. There you will find signs showing you the way. The workshop is located 100m below.
                            Days and Hours of Operation:

                            The workshop is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

                            Saturday, 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

                            Contact :

                            Mr LOBEL Jean Pierre



                                The art of "Violette et Dieudonné"

                                Address :

                                The ironwork of art of Violette and Dieudonné

                                Lot VE26 Ankazobe - Mandroseza

                                Contact : 

                                This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                Phone: 032 42 374 35



                                  The Ironwork of Art by Violette et Dieudonné was born in the late 90's

                                  Violette and Dieudonné, a Malagasy couple from the plateaus decided at the time to come to the aid of their fellow citizens in precarious situations: young delinquent minors, single female mothers, people with disabilities, elderly people, ...

                                  Having no personal fortune, no more than sponsors or donors, it is by the strength of the wrist, with nothing except the knowledge of Dieudonné in welding and the artistic taste of Violette ... that they started to manufacture recycled wrought iron articles,

                                  Because here, we give life to fuel drums, old truck sheets, ...

                                  Art metalwork was born! ..


                                    It didn't take long for success to be met, word of mouth working perfectly in Antananarivo.

                                    Over the years, after individuals, it was professionals who came to provide themselves with lamps, sconces, .... both for their hotels and for their rental properties, their galleries, their shops, ...

                                    In the 2010s it was wholesalers from Europe who came to buy ironwork in Mandroseza.

                                    At the height of activity, the ironwork of Violette and Dieudonné was able to employ up to 467 people

                                    School classes, united vegetable gardens, ... and even a recognized football team were able to see the light of day thanks to the determination and unwavering will of Violette and Dieudonné.

                                        The Lisy Gallery

                                        Address :

                                        Mausoleum route

                                        Antanimora district

                                        Days and Hours of Operation:

                                        The gallery is open every day from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

                                        Contact : 

                                        This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                        Phone: +261 34 03 541 50 – 22 277 33



                                        Installed since 1990, n ° 1 of the craft industry in Madagascar. Sales area of ​​around 500 m2 spread over a dozen rooms. Presents around 120,000 references, more than 80% of the diversity of Malagasy art. Impressive choice in all areas: fabrics, metals, basketwork, wood, horn, leather goods, stones, paintings…

                                        The Tambabe Gallery - Marquetry by Mme Noro

                                        Address :

                                        African House - Lot IIA5 - Faravohitra district

                                        Days and Hours of Operation:

                                        The gallery is open from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

                                        Contact : 

                                        Phone: 032 05 303 64

                                        Facebook : African house

                                        This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


                                            The Pierrot Men photo gallery

                                            Address :

                                            Pierrot Men Showroom Photographs

                                            Tana Water Front speaker

                                            Module n ° 2 next to the Reading and Leisure Bookstore - Ambodivona district

                                            Days and hours of operation:

                                            Monday: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

                                            Tuesday to Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

                                            Sunday: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

                                            Contact : 

                                            Phone: (00261) 34 09 283 07

                                            Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                            Website: Le photographe Pierrot Men



                                                To discover the photographs of Pierrot Men is to meet a man, a people, the unknown. Memory of Madagascar, it offers a dreamlike, chaotic and luminous approach to life in what it has most experienced and most worthy.

                                                Pierrot Men offers a personal and intimate vision of this island where he was born, and where he lives.

                                                Of Franco-Malagasy and Chinese origin, he carries within him this interbreeding revealing of multiple identities from Africa, Asia and Europe.

                                                His photographs reveal a world in balance. Tables born of a tacit complicity maintained with each inhabitant.

                                                On the border between dream and reality, humanity and inhumanity. So close and so far from everyday life….

                                                Light is invited into each of his compositions, enveloping an open-air scene crossed by busy silhouettes, ephemeral tightrope walkers and almost unreal eternal passers-by. Here sense and emotion go hand in hand with a fair distance and a discreet presence. Few tight framing, no direct intrusions. Its black and white, shrouded in morning mist and uncertain fog, modestly soften a simple and brutal life. The expression of a real revolt continues, faced with unbearable truths.

                                                Because it's all about time. Patience, emotion. Kind and lucid, Pierrot Men captures the soul of a people and the essence of insularity. "A photo is a story of meeting ... like love at first sight, it goes very quickly and you have to be ready and close at all times. A discreet, poetic humanist, Pierrot Men is one of those men you can only love. A photographer witness to this Other who escapes us.

                                                Virginie de Galzain


                                                  Some key dates:

                                                  1954: Birth in South Midongy, on the east coast of Madagascar

                                                  1974: First steps in photography after attempts at painting and creation of his first lab, Fianarantsoa

                                                  1985: First exhibition with the collective of photographers from Antananarivo at Cite Ambatonakanga

                                                  1991: Creation of the “Labo Men”, Fianarantsoa

                                                  1995: Winner of the Mother Jones International Fund Documentary competition, San Francisco

                                                  1997: Gold medal at the Games of La Francophonie, Antananarivo

                                                  2010: Represented by Galerie Capazza 18330 Nançay (Gallery Capazza)

                                                  2012: Officer of the Order of Arts, Letters and Culture, Antananarivo

                                                  Pierrot Men's photographic work has given rise to many thematic works over the years.

                                                    Fabrice Delannoy's photo gallery


                                                    Address :

                                                    Lot 121 Ter - rue Rainandriamampandry - Faravohitra district - 101 Antananarivo

                                                    Days and Hours of Operation: The gallery is open only by appointment (032 43 717 90)

                                                    Contact : 

                                                    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                                    Website : Fabrice Delannoy Photographe



                                                    Fabrice is the photographer of the Authentic, the Human and the Universal that lies dormant in each of us.

                                                    With him, the Reflex box he wears over the shoulder is never turned off. Better yet, it is constantly preset according to the light or the mobile context or not. Thus, he is always ready to take the snapshot or, more precisely this moment of eternity which makes the difference with the photos of amateurs.

                                                    A curtain that flies in front and lets guess silhouettes? Fabrice has his framing in mind and shoots at the right time. A childish look? It’s the whole truth inside if we believe the photographer for whom "children are the complete opposite of the world full of deceit and bad faith of adults".

                                                    This quote alone sums up the whole philosophy of the artist, who remained a child like any artist worthy of the name and who has devoted two exhibitions and a book to "Childhood in all states" (Edition Studiopresse, 2010). Always ready to take the snapshot, Fabrice gave his 24mm power of attorney who sees and remembers for him.

                                                    His lens has become a real ethnographic tool that allows you to see only the essentials. At the same time close (since a good photographer can already guess at the focal length that he uses) and distant, to better appreciate the differences, he puts in images everything that makes the moment of eternity.

                                                    J. Rombi (Journalist and correspondent of the economic monthly "Memento" for Mayotte, Madagascar, Mauritius)

                                                      Hotel Niaouly - Antananarivo

                                                      Lot VE49 
                                                      101 Antananarivo

                                                      034 15 036 15

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